On March 10th in Frankfort, Indiana if front of just over 100 fans, two men stepped into the squared circle to battle for the NEW NWA Indiana Heavyweight Championship.
On one side of the ring was Indiana Favorite "Pure Dynamite" Billy Roc, on the other side was International Wrestling Star, Chad Collyer
These two men have met many times before, but on this night, this was going to be a match unlike anything they have ever done before.

The match first started out to see who was the stronger of the two, as both men locked up many times in tests of strength, seeing who can overpower the other. After several minutes of this, Billy Roc finally threw Chad Collyer thru the ropes, and as the photo below shows, came flying after him.

Billy Roc did several high flying moves throughout the match, but he just couldn't keep the powerful Collyer down long enough to pin his shoulder to the mat for the three count.

Finally, after it looked as though Chad had wore down his smaller opponent, Billy came back with some powerful punches of his own. After several pin attempts, Billy finally dug deep down and outsmarted the International Wrestling Star and pinned his shoulder to the mat for the 1 - 2 - 3.

Billy Roc and Chad Collyer fought there hearts out, but in the end, Billy Roc wanted it just a little more than Chad Collyer, and therefore he deserved to be the New NWA Indiana Heavyweight Champion.

Upon becoming the new Champ, his friends and fellow workers stormed the ring to help raise his hand in victory and celebrate the crowning of the first ever NWA Indiana Heavyweight Champion.