Just thought I'd weigh in here with a little more insight into the wonderful world of Ladies Wrestling. While I don't want to steal anything that Lance Storm has written, I am going to take a page out of his book, and cover most of the ladies who the WWE would have you believe are wrestlers.....AND, the ladies who actually ARE trained wrestlers.
First-let's look at the Eye Candy Division: and this division can best be summed up as.....Beautiful, but Stupid. We start this one with Maria.....but who's to say if she is stupid.....or very smart? After all, she IS able to put a complete sentence together without too much trouble. Then, we move to that idiotic "GO-DADDY" girl. I'm not even going to mention her name, but let's just say that in the dictionary under "stupid"......there is her picture.
Let's move on to those lovely ladies that I will place in the category of Not a Clue: and this division can best be described as those girls who are attractive, have absolutely no talent, no wrestling ability.....so they really have no clue why they are in the WWE. Among those....Crystal, Chantalle, among others.
Then there is the I'm Trying to Learn division: In this division, we would find Ashly(and who knows why they pushed her as having a brother who was a wrestler). She tries very hard in the ring, but she just hasn't got what it really takes to be a wrestler.
The final category, or division...is True Wrestler: At the top of the list, is Jillian, followed closely by Mickie, Victoria, and Melina. Those of you who know anything about the indies in the past, know that these ladies went as Mercedes, Alexis Laree, Victoria(no change there), and Melina Perez. THEY are truly wrestlers, who have gone through rigorous training, only to be stuck in some stupid storylines with the other "ladies who wrestle".
For each one of these ladies who has been trained, and has made it to the WWE....there are scores of other ladies....whose training is just as good, but who are overlooked because they aren't wrestling mainstream organizations...or because the WWE would much rather have another "Diva Search" and let the true talent sit at home.
I could go on and on about this, but will let it go for now. All I can do, is ask those of you who are true wrestling fans, and in particular...fans of the ladies...to voice your opinions. Email, write, contact the WWE, and let them know that you are tired of seeing the untrained airheads who are ruining what used to be a very good ladies division.
Please......show these ladies who are working their butts off in the independant feds, that you care. Support the wonderful ladies of wrestling......
Visit: www.glorywrestling.com
Remember....the ladies need your support, too!