Thursday, March 27, 2008

Detailed OVW TV Taping Results

OVW TV Report - Davis Arena 3/26/08

Paul Rogan

Another packed Wednesday night at the Davis Arena.

Night starts off with Jamin Olivencia coming to the ring and calling out Joey Matthews. Last week, Joey Matthews assaulted Timmy, (handicap kid on the announce team), and Jamin attacked Joey to the point of having to be pulled off.

This week, Joey comes up on screen saying he can’t defend TV Title against Jamin because he’s been suspended for two weeks. He then shows a video package of him shattering frame over Jamin’s head over and over.

Match 1: JD Michaels v. Rudy Switchblade

Really good match here. Rudy’s just plain fun to watch and JD’s good. JD won with the top-rope elbow.

Mobile Homers jamboree music video is show. This was hilarious and worth watching again. If you don’t get OVW, you can download the episode on

Match 2: Apocalypse vs. Dirty Money

Dirty Money won with a backbreaker.

Match 3: Anthony Bravado vs. Morale

Total domination by Bravado. Bravado’s impressive.

Match 4: Johnny Punch vs. Von Lilas

Thought Johnny Punch was getting on a winning streak… not today. Von Lilas wins with an inverted DDT.

Match 5: “IronMan” Rob Conway & Los Locos vs. Insurgency

Insurgency came out with their manager, Ben-Hamim, and the Iraqi flag waving. Los Locos then walked out, right into the crowd with the Southern Tag belts. Didn’t think it could get any louder for Los Locos, but then “Ironman” Rob Conway’s music hit and the place exploded.

Conway wins with his roll of the dice from the top on Ali Akbar. Cool moment seeing an OVW Original like Conway and New School guys like Los Locos in the ring together.
